Positive Behaviour for Learning
PBL is an acronym for Positive Behaviour for Learning. It is a system of proactive approaches to teach children positive behaviours and provide support for all students.
At VVPS, there are a variety of strategies and procedures to accommodate the needs of students in all tiers:
Tier 1 (Universal Prevention)
The practices in Tier 1 are preventative, meaning that they aim to teach and reward students for positive behaviour. This is done in a variety of ways at VVPS:
- PBL lessons- Class teachers are expected to continually teach school wide expectations and explicitly teach expected behaviours in targeted areas, (e.g. ‘Responsible' expectation: behaviours may include picking up rubbish, packing up at the end of class, etc).
- OK Tickets- Students are rewarded for positive behaviours in line with the school expectations. In-class OK tickets are white, playground ticket are yellow. Students collect the tickets and keep somewhere safe in the classroom.
- Reward days- At the middle and end of each term, students use their OK tickets to claim rewards from the stage ‘Reward Menu'.
- PBL team- The PBL team ensures that all class teachers have the lessons that need to be taught, collect the feedback from the previous lesson, distribute OK tickets to staff, and update and maintain signage around the school.
- Buddy Bench- The Buddy Bench is located at the side of the school hall. When a student is unable to find a friend to play with at break times, they can sit on the Buddy Bench and another student who is looking for a friend can ask them to play.
- Structured games- Structured games operate at Lunch and Afternoon tea on the oval. Students are allocated sessions according to stages and games are monitored and refereed by a staff member.
Tier 2 (Targeted Interventions)
Tier 2 focuses on the small group of children who need extra support to achieve positive behavioural and academic results. These interventions include:
- Learning and Support Team (LST)- LST meet weekly to discuss referrals about students of concern. The school counselor, executive, Learning and Support Teacher and classroom teachers attend this meeting and discuss what actions can be taken to meet individual needs of students.
- Support class- the multi-categorical class caters for student on the Autism Spectrum. They participate in activities in their own class that are catered to their needs, but also integrate into mainstream settings with the additional support of an SLSO.
- Structured Play- Structured play operates near the COLA each Lunch and Afternoon tea for those students who need support socially and behaviourally on the playground. These students are referred to the Learning and Support Team and access structured play as needed. Students are encouraged to practice social skills whilst playing with toys and equipment.
Tier 3 (Intensive Individualised Interventions)
Tier 3 represents the few students within the school who need more support than the universal and small group supports can offer. Identified through the LST process, these students receive specialized interventions that may include:
- Personalised Learning Support Plans
- Individual Behaviour Plans
- Risk Assessments
- SLSO support
- Strategies developed in consultation with the parents
- Interagency support
- Counsellor support
Meet Orue!
Orue is our school's PBL mascot. He is a Kingfisher who is always watching for students, staff and community members who are showing our school values and expectations.
Our school values are:
Some key things to remember:
- We cannot ‘make' students learn or behave.
- We can only create environments to increase the likelihood.
- Systems are all about adult behaviour- consistency and fidelity.
- Behaviour is functionally related to the teaching environment.
- If kids don't feel connected to the school community, they will seek belonging elsewhere. If they are connected, they will be more engaged academically and have better attendance.
- We can't do anything meaningful without evidence.
- We need to use best practice.