Valley View Public School

Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Telephone02 4328 4433

School chaplaincy

What is a Chaplain?

A Chaplain is an additional support for school communities to assist with the social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of members of school communities.

Chaplains are able to run specific programs tailored to the needs of the school such as grief and loss, resilience building and safe, respectful behaviours. Chaplains also provide one-on-one care, mentoring and support for students, parents and staff. Chaplains network with the local community to provide a broad range of support services to the school.

What kind of activities does our Chaplain do?

  • Work with the Learning Support or Welfare Team to facilitate student wellbeing
  • Being available to provide pastoral care for students, staff and the wider school community
  • Facilitate small group programs such as Seasons for Growth, You Can Do It and Resilient Doughnut.
  • Assist with classroom activities where involvement provides further social and support for those students who may be at risk of disengagement.
  • Facilitate lunch time activities to assist students in building healthy relationships
  • Network with welfare services, government and NGA's in the local community to provide a broad range of support services to the school
  • Facilitate activities to support the inclusiveness and wellbeing of all students
  • Support staff at school camps, excursions, disco's and other activities as required
  • Breakfast Club Tuesdays
  • Attends P&C meetings.

At Valley View we are lucky enough to haveĀ have Mrs Carrie Malinson as our school Chaplain. Mrs Malinson is available at our school on Wednesday's and Friday's. This position is funded by the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.

For all correspondence please call the school or email Mrs Malinson atĀ

For all urgent matter please call Lifeline on 131114

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